Numeris Broadcaster Encoding
What You Need to Know

Before we can set up the encoding equipment, we’ll need a few important details from you. This includes:

  • Type of signal used: Let us know if you use analog audio, AES, or HD/SD SDI.
  • Clock signal source: If you have a signal source for the clock, please specify whether it’s SMPTE, NTP, or any other type or simply using internal clock.
  • Audio mapping: Provide us with the configuration for the audio channels used in your system, such as stereo, DV, 5.1, and let us know which audio channels they are mapped to.
  • Confirmation of your shipping address

For TV stations with signals that don’t match the options mentioned above (e.g., SMPTE-2110), an encoding solution based on Nielsen SDK is available and must be certified by both Nielsen and Numeris before use. Details about SDK Certification below.

The Equipment

  • Main Encoder: This type of equipment is installed in the signal path and its function is to insert the station code in the audio portion of the signal.
  • Backup Encoder: This is provided as a secondary piece of equipment, configured identical to the main and acts as a backup device in case of failure of the main.
  • Decoder/Monitor: This device is used to detect the status of the encoding, indicating through an audio & visual alarm if the encoding is present or not. The device is fed with the station’s live signal or a return signal.
  • Nielsen SDK Encoder (TV stations only): This is software solution for encoding in an environment different than the traditional SDI such as SMPTE 2110.
  • For more details, please refer to the TV and Radio meter policy.

Types of Encoders & Decoders

Depending on the type of signal used at your station, you will be provided one of the following types of encoders and decoders:

  • Analog Encoder: These devices use 2/stereo analog audio signals.
  • Digital Encoder: These devices use 2 AES signals.
  • AnaDigi Encoder: These encoders can be used for either stereo analog audio or 2 AES signals.
  • Media Encoder: These encoders can use either HD/SD SDI or AES signals. For SDI the encoder has one input and for the AES they can encode up to eight simultaneous AES signals.
  • Monitors/Decoder (Single input): These are single input (stereo) decoders using analog audio signal.
  • Monitor/Decoder multi-input: These are four stereo input decoders using analog audio signals.
  • For other types of signals (such as SMPTE-2110) see Nielsen SDK Encoder below.

For installations where an analog audio signal is not available for feeding the decoder/monitor Numeris can provide SDI to Audio Analog Demux adapter to allow the decoder to be fed with an HD/SD SDI signal instead.


Equipment Delivery and Post-installation Verification

  • Once we configure your equipment to your specifications, it will be shipped to your station. You should have also received installation instructions via email, which will help guide you through the process. Should you need assistance, you can contact us at any time at encoding@ or 1 800-272-0757
  • Once you’ve successfully installed your encoding equipment, contact us and also send us test files with encoded signal as it would be on air so we can check it for consistency and encoding density. Also let us know when the on air switch is planned if different than the initial set time. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our Numeris Engineering team (encoding@

Equipment Replacements and Returns

In the event of an issue or failure with your equipment, please contact the Numeris Engineering team to help on resolving the issue and if needed to replace faulty equipment with fully functioning equipment and handle the return of the faulty units.

If your station decides to no longer use our encoding service, simply contact our Numeris Engineering team (encoding@, and we’ll arrange the return of the equipment to us.

Monitoring at the station

  • Continuously monitor encoding equipment for errors and alarms.
  • Enable alarm announcements on the monitor/decoder.
  • If an alarm or error occurs, notify Numeris Engineering (encoding@ with your station name, equipment details, serial number, and time of occurrence and any other details that might help identify the cause of the issue.
  • Monitor web streaming encoding equipment in the same manner as OTA path (over-the-Air).
  • Keep a record of all known encoding outages and scheduled maintenance periods.

When to Contact Numeris

  • Maintenance Activity: Remember to notify us in advance about any maintenance activity, including the time window.
  • Upgrade Activity: Even if the upgrade activity is unrelated to SDK/encoding, please inform Numeris Engineering.
  • Outage: When experiencing an outage, provide us with the station name, outage details, and let us know once everything is back to normal.

Numeris SDK Ceritification:

  • Present Certification from Nielsen for the particular product using Encoder SDK.
  • Send your test files to Numeris Engineering for analysis.
  • Sign the Numeris Encoder Commercial Agreement.

SDK Certified Vendors and Products:

Vendor Product
Evertz ORT
GrassValley ICE
GrassValley ITX
Imagine Communications Aviator
Imagine Communications Versio Zenium
Ross Video HD/SD SDI NWE-3GA
Ross Video NWE-IP

Contact Numeris Engineering

T: 1-800-272-0757  |  E: encoding@

Last Updated: August 9, 2024
