Numeris has been measuring how Canadians watch TV and listen to Radio for many years using our meter panels and recently introduced a separate Online video* panel to capture the digital video* consumption of Canadians. Our Multimedia panel is an important component of Numeris’ cross-platform, cross-media measurement solution. If we’ve asked you to be a part of our Multimedia Ratings panel, it’s so we can measure all of your Radio listening as well as your TV and Online video* viewing together.
* Viewing to specific pre-selected and agreed upon video platforms only
Multimedia panel member homes are asked to install a special device to their internet router called the FocalMeter and carry special electronic devices, Personal Meters.
The FocalMeter is a small piece of equipment that only measures the viewing to specific pre-selected and agreed upon video platforms. These video platforms include Canadian TV Broadcasters websites and apps as well as streaming websites and apps like Netflix. The FocalMeter doesn’t measure any other websites that panel members may visit.
The FocalMeter sends viewing information to Numeris every day. When we get this information, we combine it with the information from other panel member households to produce the ratings for digital video viewing. All the viewing information we provide is based on groups of people, never individuals.
Have questions about the FocalMeter? Check out our FAQ’s below.
The Personal Meter tracks the Radio listening and linear TV viewing of our panelists.
The data gathered by the Personal Meters is automatically downloaded at the end of each day, then processed by Numeris and released to clients electronically. As with the digital video consumption, all the viewing and listening information we provide is based on groups of people, never individuals.
Easy to use, the Personal Meter automatically detects what you listen to on the Radio and watch on linear TV by picking up encoded signals sent out by Broadcasters. These signals are silent to the human ear.
While your Personal Meter can detect a station’s signal if sound is coming from your Radio or TV, rest assured it will not detect or record human conversation or any other household sounds.
Have questions about how the Personal Meter works? Check out our FAQ’s below.
If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs below.
What is Numeris' Multimedia Panel?
Once I've joined, how long must I stay on the panel?
What should I tell people who ask about my PersonalMeter or FocalMeter?
Will the PersonalMeter equipment interfere with my Radio or TV reception?
Will the PersonalMeter still pick up the signal if my TV is on mute?
How long does it take to install the FocalMeter?
Will the FocalMeter interfere with my Internet service or other networked devices?
Does listening to more Radio or watching more TV increase my reward points?
Does watching more Internet video increase my compensation?
Sometimes I listen to the Radio on the Internet, through my cable TV or via Podcasts. Will my PersonalMeter pick up these signals?
What if I drop my PersonalMeter in the water or on the ground?
What if we take a vacation?
Will someone need to visit my home to hook up the equipment?
How will my Panel Administrator contact me?
Why was my household chosen?
How did you get my name and telephone number?
What if I didn't choose the station I'm watching or listening to?
If I'm watching a TV show on my tablet or smart phone, do I still need to wear my PersonalMeter?
If my entire family goes out for the day, should we take all of our PersonalMeters with us or will one suffice?
Do I need to push any buttons on my PersonalMeter or FocalMeter do anything special?
Should I contact you if a family member moves out or somebody new moves in?
How does theFocalMeter exclude web traffic other than that going to/from those on the Numeris inclusion list?
Is all web traffic data collected and then selectively deleted or is only the relevant traffic information gathered in the first place?
- Mac Address of the home router and information on the local home network
- Model, Name, OS, MAC Address, local IP address of devices seen in the home network.
A member of your Regional Panel Administration Team will keep in touch with you by telephone, email or text – whichever you prefer!
If you have any questions during or after the set-up process, please give us a call or send us an email. Also, please reach out if you’re going on holiday, if you’re having equipment issues, or if the make-up of your household has changed in any way.
Panelists in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island can reach us at:
T: 1.866.548.8991 | E: meterpaneleast@
Panelists in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and
Manitoba can reach us at:
T: 1.866.730.7960 | E: meterpanelwest@