Radio Diaries are essentially weekly surveys that capture the radio listening habits of all individuals 12 years of age and older living in randomly selected households across various Canadian markets.
For a one-week period you and your fellow participants are asked to record which radio stations you listen to throughout the day based on 15-minute increments. One Diary is provided for each individual 12 years of age and older living in your household. You’re also asked to capture the time you are not listening to the radio.
Upon receipt, Numeris processes the completed Diaries and compiles databases of audience behaviour based on a few key demographics for each market. Radio stations, advertising agencies and advertisers then use this data to determine who listens to what programs in what format, and to buy and sell commercial air time.
You should note that we combine your data with information from other Radio Diaries to produce ratings about groups of people, not individual people or individual households, and we never disclose the names, addresses or phone numbers of survey participants. In other words, your privacy will not be compromised.
You can access your Radio Diary by going to the website listed on the card we sent you in the mail. Personalized log-in information is provided for each individual 12 years of age and older living in your household. Starting on a Monday, each individual is asked to fill out their Diary for one week.
At the end of the survey week, once household members have recorded their radio listening for each day and completed the questionnaires, the Diaries can be submitted online.
Please contact us if you did not receive your card or have misplaced it.
By now, you have hopefully received your Radio Diary login information. Please rest assured that all the information you share with us will be kept strictly confidential. It will not be released to any marketers or sales people.
Ready to begin? Please go to the website that appears on your card and sign into your Radio Diary using your username and password. Now, let’s walk through the steps together.
STEP 1 : Record your personal radio listening
STEP 2 : Tell us about yourself
STEP 3 : Submit your Radio Diary
Below are survey section samples and instructions to help you record your radio listening. Please record listening details whenever you listen to the radio for five minutes or longer. You can access your online Diary on any device with an internet connection, including a desktop computer, a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Select the day that you want to record your listening. You will not be able to select days that are in the future.

Click on “Add listening” to make an entry. If you don’t listen to the radio at all on a particular day, please select “Did Not Listen All Day”. This lets us know that you didn’t simply forget to complete your Diary for that day.

1. Select the time you began listening to a radio station.
2. Select the time you finished listening to a radio station. If you listened for at least five minutes during the 15-minute time period, record your listening.
3. Search for the station you listened to. You can search by name, call letters, dial position, etc. If you listened to more than one station in a 15-minute period, record details of the station you listened to the most.
4. Select the location where you listened.

To help us understand what type of music and formats you like and what kind of products are popular among members of your household, please answer the questions in the “About You” and “More About You” sections.
Thank you for completing your Radio Diary. Please take a few moments to make sure you have answered all of the questions and recorded all of your radio listening for the week.
At the end of your survey week at midnight of the last survey day, a “Submit Your Diary” button will appear on the main page of your online diary. Once your diary is complete, make sure that you submit your information to us. Remember, it doesn’t matter how much or how little listening took place. Even if an individual has not listened to the radio at all that week, it is important to submit their diary.
Please submit your Radio Diary as soon as the survey week has come to an end so that we can count your radio listening in our ratings.
Again, thank you for your participation.
If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs below.
I am having trouble logging into my account. What should I do?
1. Ensure that you have typed in the survey website exactly as it appears on the card you received in the mail. If you have used a browser search to find the website, instead try to manually type the website into address bar at the top of your internet browser using your card as reference.
2. Ensure you are typing the username and password exactly as it appears on the card you received in the mail. If you have completed a password reset, you should use the new password you selected.
If you still are unable to login after completing steps 1 and 2 above, please contact us by phone (for service in English – call 1-800-214-5226 and for service in French – call 1-800-243-3226) or by email (online.radiodiary@
Why are radio surveys conducted?
When are the surveys conducted?
How do you conduct Radio surveys?
How did you get my name and telephone number?
Why was my household chosen?
Why do you ask personal questions in the survey?
Must I answer all of the questions in the Diary?
What is the minimum listening time worth recording in my Diary?
Why did you send me more than one Diary?
I don't listen to the radio much. What good is my Diary?
What if I don't know the name of the station?
What if I switch stations during a 15-minute period?
Is the AM/FM part important?
What if I didn't choose the station?
Should I include programs I listen to in another language?
Should I include US or international stations?
What if I listen to the radio away from home?
If I listen to the radio in the middle of the night, where should I record it?
How do I include listening to Sirius or XM?
What if I don't listen to the radio for one or more days of the survey week?
What if a friend listens to the radio at our house?
I recorded my listening on the wrong day. What should I do?
If I'm listening to the radio while working from home, should I check off Home or Work?
For service in English, please call 1-800-214-5226. For service in French, please call 1-800-243-3226.
Have a question?
If you could not find the answer you were looking for in our FAQs, please send us your question below.