Online TV Panel
Numeris’ Online TV Panel

Numeris researches how many people are watching television programs across Canada. This research allows us to create what are often called ratings. Broadcasters use these ratings to make decisions about what programs to put on the air.

These days, there are many ways to watch TV shows. We can watch them on TV sets using cable or streaming services. And now, we can also watch them using gaming consoles, DVRs, PVRs, or on our laptops, computers, tablets, smartphones, and other digital devices. We can also choose to watch shows while they are being broadcast, or at another time that is more convenient.

Numeris has been measuring how people watch TV for many years using our TV meter panels and diary surveys. But, when people change how they watch TV, we have to enhance how we measure TV watching! This new service will measure audiences for television programs that are watched online. To do this we have recruited households across Canada who have agreed to participate in our Online TV panel.


Online TV panel member homes install a special device called the FocalMeter which detects when certain TV programs are watched on the Internet through different digital devices. The FocalMeter is a small box that only measures a specific set of websites. These websites include Canadian TV broadcasters and a few streaming websites like Netflix. The FocalMeter doesn’t measure any other websites that panel members may visit.

The FocalMeter sends viewing information to Numeris every day. When we get this information, we combine it with the information from other panel member households to produce the ratings.


If you have any questions, please check out our FAQs below.

What is Numeris's Online TV Panel?
The Online TV Panel is a panel made up of households across the country. These households have been carefully selected to represent their respective regions. Panelists are provided with an electronic meter, called a FocalMeter. This device captures online video viewing from sites listed in our inclusion list, from which ratings are then calculated.
What is required to participate?
All that is needed to participate is an internet router or modem with an available network connection. If your home network configuration is more complex, it may require more than one FocalMeter. Our Panel Administration Team can help you with your installation.
How does the monitoring device exclude web traffic other than that going to/from the select few sites that Numeris is interested in?
The monitoring device (the FocalMeter) ONLY tracks web traffic based on a pre-determined inclusion list. The inclusion list is a list of approved websites (domains) where the FocalMeter is allowed to monitor video viewing. Any website not on the inclusion list will not have any data logged by the FocalMeter. It DOES NOT monitor any secure traffic on your network, or any traffic on banking or e-commerce sites. It does not track any passwords or monitor any emails or IM chats.
Is all web traffic data collected and then selectively deleted or is only the relevant traffic information gathered in the first place?
The FocalMeter excludes web traffic based on a pre-determined inclusion list. The inclusion list is a list of approved websites (domains) where the FocalMeter is allowed to monitor video viewing. The FocalMeter ONLY collects the URLs that are on the inclusion list and the rest are ignored. Even on inclusion list sites, the FocalMeter only monitors a small fraction of content from these sites via “tags”. Tags are specific URLs identifying the pages navigated or the videos played within an inclusion list website. Apart from this, the FocalMeter collects: • Mac Address of the home router and information on the local home network • Model, Name, OS, MAC Address, local IP address of devices seen in the home network.
Do I need to push any buttons on my FocalMeter or do anything special?
Using your meter is incredibly easy. All you need to do is connect your FocalMeter to your home Internet connection. Then follow the online registration process to register your FocalMeter with our panel. That’s all that is required.
Will someone need to visit my home to hook up the equipment?
No. We’ll enclose complete instructions when we send you your equipment. We’ll also enclose a telephone number you can call if you need help.
How long does installation take?
Connecting the FocalMeter to your network will take less than 10 minutes. After connecting the network cable between your FocalMeter and home router and powering the FocalMeter, there is an online device registration process.
Will the FocalMeter interfere with my Internet service or other networked devices?
No, in most cases the equipment will not interfere with your Internet service or other devices in any way. In rare cases panelists have experienced intermittent connectivity issues with some networked devices. If you experience any technical issues, please contact your Panel Administration Team.
How did you get my name and telephone number?
We obtain contact information in two ways. The phone numbers, names and address details we use are randomly selected from telephone book listings, cell phone listings included. In addition, we use a computer program to randomly generate new numbers in order to reach unlisted phone numbers.
How will my Panel Administrator contact me?
Your Panel Administrator will contact you by telephone, email or text – whichever works best for you.
Why was my household chosen?
The panels in each market include all types of homes. Yours was randomly selected as a representative of your community.
Does watching more Internet video increase my compensation?
No. Your compensation for participating in our panel is not related to the amount of time you watch Internet video each week. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you watch.
Once I've joined, how long must I stay on the panel?
While we’d like you to remain on our panel for an extended period of time, you may leave whenever you wish. Please keep the box that your FocalMeter arrived in so that you can ship it back to us. If you wish to leave the panel, please contact your Panel Administration Team.
What should I tell people that ask about my FocalMeter?
To ensure the integrity of Numeris ratings, it is important that your participation remain confidential. If someone asks about your FocalMeter, simply say you are participating in a special research study. Please do not tell anyone you don’t know, or anyone working in the media industry, that your household participates in Numeris ratings.
What if we take a vacation?
If you’re planning to be away from your home, let your Panel Administrator know when you’re leaving and when you’ll be back.
Should I contact you if a family member moves out or somebody new moves in?
Yes. If anything changes in your household – e.g., somebody moves in or out, you go on vacation – please contact your Panel Administrator.


A member of your Regional Panel Administration Team will keep in touch with you by telephone, email or text – whichever you prefer!

If you have any questions during or after the set-up process, please give us a call or send us an email. Also, please reach out if you’re going on holiday, if you’re having equipment issues, or if the make-up of your household has changed in any way.

Panelists in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island can reach us at:

T: 1.866.548.8991  |  E: meterpaneleast@

Panelists in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba can reach us at:

T: 1.866.730.7960  |  E: meterpanelwest@

Have a question?

If you are not currently part of our Online TV meter panel and could not
find the answer you were looking for in our FAQs, please send us your question below.
