Radio and TV Meter Panel FAQs

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What is Numeris' Meter Panel?
The Meter Panel is a TV and radio panel made up of thousands of households across the country. These households have been carefully selected to represent their respective regions. Panelists wear special electronic devices called Personal People Meters (PPM). These devices capture their radio listening and television viewing information, upon which broadcast ratings are then calculated.
Once I've joined, how long must I stay on the panel?
While we’d like you to remain on our panel for an extended period of time, you may leave whenever you wish. Please keep the box that your PPM equipment arrived in so that you can ship it back to us. If you wish to leave the panel, please contact your Panel Administration Team.
What should I tell people who ask about my PPM?
To ensure the integrity of Numeris ratings, it is important that your participation remain confidential. If someone asks about your PPM, simply say you are participating in a special research study. Please do not tell anyone you don’t know, or anyone working in the media industry, that your household participates in Numeris ratings.
Will the equipment interfere with my radio or TV reception?
No, the equipment won’t interfere with your reception. You’ll continue to receive the same stations that are available to you now.
Will the PPM still pick up the signal if my TV is on mute?
No. In order for the PPM to pick up the encoded program signal, the sound must be on. That said, do not change your behaviour for the sole purpose of activating the device. Just watch or listen to the TV as you normally do.
Does listening to more radio or watching more TV increase my reward points?
No. Reward points are related to the amount of time you wear the PPM each week. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you listen to the radio or watch TV.
Sometimes I listen to the radio on the Internet, through my cable TV or via Podcasts. Will my PPM pick up these signals?
Yes. Your PPM will detect all types of radio signals. If necessary, please use your headphone adapter when listening to any of these types of broadcasts.
What if I drop my PPM in the water or on the ground?
Contact your Panel Administrator right away to request a replacement.
What if we take a vacation?
If you’re only away for a weekend, just take your portable charger with you and continue to use your PPM. If you’re planning to be away for longer, let your Panel Administrator know when you’re leaving and when you’ll be back.
Will someone need to visit my home to hook up the equipment?
No. We’ll enclose complete instructions when we send you your equipment. We’ll also enclose a telephone number you can call if you need help, although you’re unlikely to use it; set up is that simple!
How will my Panel Administrator contact me?
Your Panel Administrator will contact you by telephone, email or text – whichever works best for you.
Why was my household chosen?
The panels in each market include all types of homes. Yours was randomly selected as a representative of your community.
How did you get my name and telephone number?
We obtain contact information in two ways. The phone numbers, names and address details we use are randomly selected from telephone book listings, cell phone listings included. In addition, we use a computer program to randomly generate new numbers in order to reach unlisted phone numbers.
What if I didn't choose the station I'm watching or listening too?
Regardless of whether you chose it, if you watched it or listened to it we want to know, so please remember to carry your PPM with you wherever you go.
If I'm watching a TV show on my tablet or smart phone, do I still need to wear my PPM?
The PPM can pick up broadcast signals from any device, so please wear it at all times, regardless of if and where you are watching TV.
If my entire family goes out for the day, should we take all of our PPMs with us or will one suffice?
When you go out, even as a family, each participating household member should take his or her own PPM as this is the only way we can pick up each individual’s listening and viewing for inclusion in the ratings.
Do I need to push any buttons on my meter or do anything special?
Using your meter is incredibly easy. All you need to do is carry it with you by day and charge it in the portable charger by night.
Should I contact you if a family member moves out or somebody new moves in?
Yes. If anything changes in your household – e.g. somebody moves in or out, you go on vacation, your TV reception format changes – please contact your Panel Administrator.

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