Radio Diary Respondents FAQs

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Why are radio surveys conducted?
Numeris’ Radio Diary surveys provide audience information that enables radio broadcasters to deliver the music and programs you want to listen to. These surveys give you an opportunity to tell decision-makers what you think of their station and programs.
When are the surveys conducted?
Radio surveys are conducted throughout the year.
How do you conduct Radio surveys?
We ask household members who are 12 years of age or older to record their radio listening during a one-week period in a Radio Diary. We ask one person in the home to act as Numeris’ contact, helping to ensure that everyone records their listening and that all Diaries are returned to Numeris. We enter the information from all the Diaries we receive into our database. This data is then compiled and used to produce our audience estimates and reports, which are released to our members twice a year.
How did you get my name and telephone number?
We obtain contact information in two ways. The phone numbers, names and address details we use are randomly selected from telephone book listings, cell phone listings included. In addition, we use a computer program to randomly generate new numbers in order to reach unlisted phone numbers.
Why was my household chosen?
A sample of homes across Canada is selected to represent the entire radio audience. This sample includes all types of homes. Yours was randomly selected as a representative of your community.
Why do you ask personal questions in the survey?
We ask personal information strictly for research purposes. You should note that we combine your data with information from other Radio Diaries to produce ratings about groups of people, not individual people or individual households, and we never disclose the names, addresses or phone numbers of survey participants. In other words, your privacy will not be compromised.
Must I answer all of the questions in the Diary?
Yes. Please answer all questions, and try your best to include as much detail as possible when filling out the radio listening section for each day.
What is the minimum listening time worth recording in my Diary?
If you listen to the radio for five minutes or more, we’d like you to record it.
Why did you send me more than one Diary?
We sent you a Diary for each member of your home aged 12 years or older. Please have each member of your household complete their own Diary.
I don't listen to the radio much. What good is my Diary?
It’s important that all selected homes participate in the radio listening survey, whether they listen to the radio just a little or a lot. This helps make sure we have a representative sample that reflects all types of radio listeners.
What if I don't know the name of the station?
Please enter any information you have about the station. The search field will try to match this information to our database. If there is no match, you can create a new entry for that station.
What if I switch stations during a 15-minute period?
Record the station you spend the most time listening to for each 15-minute period. Please record only one station per 15-minute period.
Is the AM/FM part important?
Yes. Some stations on one frequency have the same name as a station on another frequency. We want to make sure that the station you were actually listening to gets the credit, so it’s important to tell us whether it was on AM or FM.
What if I didn't choose the station?
Regardless of whether you chose it, if you listened to it we want to know.
Should I include programs I listen to in another language?
Yes. Please keep a record of all listening, whether the program is in English, French or another language.
Should I include US or international stations?
Yes. We want a complete picture of all your radio listening, so please include Canadian and US stations as well as those in any other country.
What if I listen to the radio away from home?
Please record the stations you listen to while in the car, at work, at someone else’s home, or any location outside of your home. Please remember to indicate where you were while you were listening.
If I listen to the radio in the middle of the night, where should I record it?
If you listen to the radio between 1:00 am and 5:00 am, relax and enjoy. There is no need to record it. Even Diary keepers need a rest!
How do I include listening to Sirius or XM?
Please include this information in your diary by entering Sirius, XM or SiriusXM in the “Station Name” field, depending on which station you’re listening to. And remember to select the appropriate «Location» for this listening.
What if I don't listen to the radio for one or more days of the survey week?
Please click on the “I Did Not Listen All Day” button if you did not listen to the radio at all that day. Otherwise, please enter the details of your radio listening.
What if a friend listens to the radio at our house?
Your Radio Diary should reflect your listening only. Please do not include anybody else’s listening in your Diary.
I recorded my listening on the wrong day. What should I do?
Please delete the incorrect entry and enter your listening information on the correct day.
If I'm listening to the radio while working from home, should I check off Home or Work?
Although you are working, please select the «Home» option. We are most interested in knowing where you are while you listen to the radio.

Have a Question?

If you could not find the answer you were looking for, please reach out to us.
